Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kona Winds

And coming with the Kona Winds (wind blowing from the south) is vog. Vog is volcanic fog for short and pretty much envelops the entire island of Oahu and probably prevalent throughout the state. I've seen it pretty bad but I think this has go to be the worst. At first glance it looks like it's raining but you then notice that nothing is moving. Kinda reminds me of New Years Eve when the streets are fill with smoke from fireworks.
Normally vog does't bother me physically, but this morning I woke up to a nose conjested and such. Not a fun feeling.
But other then making my nose feel crappy, it sparks wonder and amazement at how quickly and wide spread this vog gets.

Interseting sight but I can't wait till the trade winds blow again.

BTW: The picture doesn't do the justice, its a lot thicker then it looks.


Jacob Wong said...


but at least it looks cool. we have like zero weather changes except for scorching hot and freezing cold. lol

jamie said...

Kona winds should die forever

Jacob Wong said...

the artist i dunno...

the MC is the Grouch