Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kona Winds

And coming with the Kona Winds (wind blowing from the south) is vog. Vog is volcanic fog for short and pretty much envelops the entire island of Oahu and probably prevalent throughout the state. I've seen it pretty bad but I think this has go to be the worst. At first glance it looks like it's raining but you then notice that nothing is moving. Kinda reminds me of New Years Eve when the streets are fill with smoke from fireworks.
Normally vog does't bother me physically, but this morning I woke up to a nose conjested and such. Not a fun feeling.
But other then making my nose feel crappy, it sparks wonder and amazement at how quickly and wide spread this vog gets.

Interseting sight but I can't wait till the trade winds blow again.

BTW: The picture doesn't do the justice, its a lot thicker then it looks.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

So here I am again...

supposed to be studying for my accounting midterm on Tuesday but I am instead distracted by various blogs and sites.
Found this on
hypebeast.com, Stussy Honolulu "Hawaii" New EraMe likey, me want it.

Found this on www.blingit.us

"Ooh, ohh…Will It Hurt?!"

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Brandon Foster, pro bodyboarder

I watched his testimony on T.V. the other night to find that he's a Christian. That to me is very encouraging to see a pro bodyboarder share his faith.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Humor in Typography Part Deux

Nice typeface and play on words. Me likey.

By the way, I find all these cool things from various places in the web but mostly from this wonderful site: ffffound

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Prepping the Soul

To think that at this age I know what I need to do and how to do it can sometimes give a false sense of security which can be dangerous.

It's amazing how much wisdom can come from someone so young. I hear such gems from peers younger then oneself is pretty sobering. I need to step it up.
Matt told me tonight that the key to leading worship well is not how much we practiced or one's singing ability but it's about prepping the soul before and sensitivity to the spirit. I've gotten caught up in trying to make everything work logistically that I forgot what I was doing it for. It's all for the glory of Jesus. I need to stop thinking about what everyone else think and worry about what pleases Him.
I have this bad habit of relying so much on myself and trying to do things my way rather then trusting in God to handle things.

I guess sometimes the only way that I remember that God is with me is when I have so much stress and pressure on my back it makes me strain my head up to see Him standing there waiting to live it off.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Aloha Friday

Its Friday and for the most part my homework is done. Cheehoo! Shaka to you all.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Humor in Typography

I didn't get this at first, now I find it humorous.
Tickles my fancy!


For those who don't have a clue what kerning is, it is the spacing between letters in a word. Hope that gives you a hint.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

One for the Money, Two for the Show, Three to get Ready, and Four to ...Blog?

Now once again I find myself starting a blog in which I write various thoughts and feeling for the most part nobody will read or much less care. Why bother? Honestly. To be cool and hip? To write really controversial and maybe one day it will reach celebrity blogger status? Ha. Or just to have one? None or all the above?
Honestly I dunno. Haha

Hey...I have a strange feeling of nostalgia. This brings be back to my adolescent days writing my daily experiences of teen drama, rants, being emo, and inner most feelings. Those were fun times. Xanga is what it's call. It is still around I think. The precursor and gateway-drug to myspace, facebook, and such. Asianavenue too I guess, but I've never had one...

Ultimately, this blog will be for my enjoyment and a tool for catharsis. And if one were to stumble upon this blog and read it, sweet. Even better if one were to stumble upon it, read it and like it, awesome. The best however would be if one were to stumble, read, like, and religiously read it, CREEPY. Nah, just kidding but seriously it would be awesome to know that someone finds worth in reading my daily whatevers.

What the EFF Daniel Wong!